What was your involvement on this project?
I designed the cover artwork of this book and delivered press files to the printer. I did not typeset the interior, although I did design some interior elements (chapter icon and pull quote flourish) that were used by the typesetter.
What was most interesting part of this project?
This is my favorite cover. The Cinderella theme provided ample inspiration for additional promotional pieces — which included online advertising, flyers, a bookmark, and various videos. The cover treatment was a 'soft-touch' matte finish.
What was most challenging about this project?
The back cover was the most challenging. My initial favorite discovery comp featured a singular lace wedding shoe — reminiscent of Cinderella’s lost slipper. The final idea, however, revolved around a photo shoot designed specifically for this book: the author and her husband walking in a picturesque fall setting.
I loved the metaphoric imagery: the autumn years of a marriage pitted against the youthful idealism of newlyweds. This worked well to bring the fairy-tale theme back to real life. It also reiterated the promised content of the book reflected in the subtitle — ’The Art of Happily Ever After.’
Pictured Below: Discovery Comps showing two possible back cover designs.

The book was later translated into Russian as well as released in ebook formats.

Above: Behind the Book video created by Zoe Life Creative Media © 2015